
we specialize in poster design for .

  1. Define the poster's objective: before we start designing your poster, we clearly define the poster's objective. Is it to announce an event, promote a product or raise awareness of a particular cause? This information is crucial in determining the message and tone of the poster.
  2. Know your target audience: it's important to know your target audience. Who are they? What motivates them? How can you reach them with your message? This information will help us design an effective poster that will capture their attention and inspire them to take action.
  3. Creating a clear, impactful message: your poster's message needs to be clear and concise. We use images and text that communicate your message at a glance. Short, punchy and memorable slogans are very effective in reinforcing your message.
  4. High-quality images: the photos and illustrations on your poster must be of the highest quality, to ensure optimum legibility and clarity.
  5. Choice of colors: colors have an impact on how people perceive your poster. The use of bright, contrasting colors attracts attention and evokes an emotional response in your audience. Colors must also respect the defined graphic charter.
  6. Choice of typography: typography can make or break your poster. Depending on the project, we select a typeface that's easy to read and appropriate for your message.
  7. Information hierarchy: we balance content so that your poster is easy on the eye and easy to understand. A harmonious layout guarantees better engagement.
  8. Poster testing: before we publish your poster, we test it with a sample of your target audience. Clarity of message, legibility of typography, visual impact... We use their feedback to make any necessary changes and improve the poster's effectiveness.

As soon as we get in touch by e-mail, you'll receive an estimate, a schedule and our first ideas. In fact, it has already started. Discover our methodology.

The poster can contain text, images, illustrations, plans, QR codes and 3D visualizations. 

Don't have your sponsors' logos? No problem, we'll contact them for you.

Once validated, the poster is printed and delivered to the address of your choice. The poster can be printed on any type of paper, including recycled, FSC and PEFC. Whenever possible,CO2 emissions are systematically offset.

We offer poster campaign management (F4, F12, F24) and handle the entire process, in collaboration with APG, ClearChannel or TP Pub.

We can do it! Our processes and technology are set up to start design projects in less than 30 minutes, at any time. 

Your e-mails are processed instantly from 9am to 6pm. Calls by appointment only.

As much as you like, but always a little more than you expect. As an example, our poster package includes 2 original proposals, but it can be adjusted to suit your needs.

30 minutes to 2 hours of modifications are included in our offers. Depending on the complexity of your poster, you may wish to allow for more time, or pay for it yourself.

We start again, identifying together what went wrong in the brief. We are not up to the minute, our best selling point is you, satisfied.

Creation Affiche Geneve Graphisme Agence de communication



hello 👋

Discutez avec un graphiste en chair et en os
